Turning Expertise Into Action
Providing expert testimony and consulting services for law enforcement matters, including civil litigation, criminal investigation, and police practices. Contact us to learn more.
My Services
Offered Services
Rule 26 Expert Reports
Expert Opinion
Investigative Reviews
Rebuttal Reports
Deposition & Trial Testimony
Will work with clients anywhere in the United States
Areas of Expertise
Criminal Investigative Analysis
Investigative Procedures
Law Enforcement Best Practices
Crime Scene Analysis & Management
Homicide Investigations
In-Custody Death Investigations
Violent Crime Investigations
Police Practices & Procedures
Search & Arrest Warrants
Interview & Interrogations Techniques
Officer Involved Shootings
Violations of §1983 Civil Rights
Wrongful Convictions
Litigation Support
Tony Turnbull offers a diverse range of expertise in his field, coupled with a clear and methodical approach to presenting his insights. With extensive experience handling complex cases, he prioritizes attention to detail in his work. His commitment to effective communication and responsiveness ensures that clients receive the highest level of service and support.
About Me
Tony Turnbull is an experienced law enforcement expert with over 30 years in the field. His diverse background features supervisory positions and expertise in criminal investigations, especially concerning gangs, narcotics, and violent crimes. He shares his extensive knowledge as instructor at the POST Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation and serves as an expert witness in federal and criminal litigation. Currently, as a retired annuitant, he continues to investigate cold cases for the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office, drawing on decades of advancements in policing practices and staying current with policy, investigative techniques, and law.

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